Queensland Churches
In October 2019, Queensland Religious Leaders issued a statement on the provision of end-of-life care. This statement stands against the Queensland Government’s legalisation of Voluntary Assisted Dying and is signed by the leaders of Queensland churches.
Common-Statement-with-images-and-signatures.pdf (brisbanecatholic.org.au)
Individual Church Statements
Anglican: Diocese tells Queensland Parliament ‘No’ to assisted dying laws (anglicanfocus.org.au)
Baptists of Queensland: Qld-Baptists-Response-to-Voluntary-Assisted-Dying-Parliamentary-Enquiry-v4a.pdf (qb.org.au)
Coptic Orthodox Church: Archangel Michael & St Bishoy Coptic Orthodox Church – stbishoy.org.au – Euthanasia By HG Bishop Serapion – Social Issues – Articles
Greek Orthodox Church: Terminal cancer patients and euthanasia — The church’s position | SpringerLink
Lutheran Church of Australia: Submission to the Qld State Govt Health & Environment Committee on the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2021
Orthodox churches: What the Orthodox Church teaches on Euthanasia | The Good Shepherd Orthodox Church
Presbyterian Church of Queensland: Voluntary Assisted Dying Legislation – a Response – Browns Plains Presbyterian Church (bppc.org.au)
Religious Society of Friends (Quakers): Quakers to discuss assisted dying | Quakers in Britain
Roman Catholic: Voluntary Assisted Dying: Guidelines for Clergy and Pastoral Carers
Roman Catholic: Holy See document Samaritanus Bonus (14 July 2020)
Romanian Orthodox Church: The Romanian Orthodox Church’s position on euthanasia – orthodoxrights.org
Salvation Army: The Salvation Army International – Positional Statement: Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
Uniting Church In Australia (Qld Synod): Voluntary Assisted Dying Statement